Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Meaningful Holiday moments

Happy Holidays,

I like to think that it's not what's under my tree that matters, it's who is around it that matters. I love this little puppy under my tree, but who will be gathering around my tree this year? Our family is so spread apart I wonder if we will ever be able to physically gather together any time soon. Until we can gather, I will count my blessings.

This tree is decorated with ornaments given to us by friends and family. Each has a story of its own creating a feeling of closeness to our loved ones even though they aren't actually close by. Fill you home with meaningful memories by decorating with items from trips away and with gifts from friends and family. Then you too can imagine they are there with you.

Make your holiday meaningful.

Happy Holidays to all.

Blog name change

Hello Friends,

I have decided to change a few things in my blog. First and for most the name. I am now called Suzanne Richards Living Fully. I believe this name is more applicable to my blog and what I try to convey. Secondly, I have changed my layout. I like a clean organized page so I'm experimenting with new layouts as I go. This one, for now, is right for me.

Our lives are always changing therefore we need to change with the times. Go with the flow as they say.  I working on a few new articles to place here in my blog, I hope they will be more fulfilling and help many more people in their lives.

Be well, live well, and love one another.
