Friday, May 21, 2010

Keep it to yourself

In today's society people seem to have a general attitude of apathy. They seemingly don't care about other people they encounter in public, at work, in social settings and at home. I have noticed that even if your parents are old fashioned and are polite well mannered people, you may not necessarily be. You may more likely be just like the people we encounter everyday who are letting out their raw energy / emotions on every day life. This is in no way acceptable behavior from adults. By allowing this to perpetuate we are giving in to anger, pain and frustration. Everyone has problems, but it is not an excuse to be poorly mannered in your parents home, your work place, or public places. Remember, what you put into the world comes back to you. If you are angry; other people around you will react to that. If you are polite and smiling then others will react to that as well. So what am I really getting to with this article? Keep it to your self. Yes, hold back your feelings until you can get to a place where you are alone to express them. No one, including your children, spouse and neighbors wants to experience your negativity. You have an obligation to yourself and society to be a grown up and hold back until you are in a place of security to express yourself. Remind yourself that you can express what you feel, but in the appropriate way.

Example- I love loud rock and roll when I am pissed at the world. Do I get in my car and blast the music? YES. However, I do not blast in in a quiet residential neighborhood because I know that is disturbing the peace. I go out on the main roads in my area and blast it there. I do not bring it into my child's world because they do not understand. I respect my parents retirement and do not express it to them. I express my self by gardening, working out, walking, and talking. If you are a parent, you need to teach your child how to get along in society. By being patient, calm and thoughtful when you are out in public, you show them how to behave. If you are having a really bad day, then tell your friends, family and coworkers that you are not feeling well and leave them out of it. Get help. Stop spewing your feelings all over the rest of the world.

Example number two- My best friend likes Punk Rock and everything to do with it. When he is home or out at a club, he's a Punker. At work no one knows what he likes. he looks professional and acts like a professional. He is on time to work, knows exactly what his day will be like in the office and has done his homework the night before so he is sharp for his work day. People look up to him because of the way he presents himself. Does he get angry? Does he have problems? YES. He take time out to express it in a good way, through his music.

It is possible to be gentle. Think of how you would like to be treated and be that to others. Remember, "You attract that which you are" So which are you?
